An exclusive inside look at how artificial intelligence and machine learning work at Apple

On July 30, 2014, Siri had a brain transplant. Three years earlier, Apple had been the first major tech company to integrate a smart assistant into its operating system. Siri was the company’s adaptation of a standalone app it had purchased, along with the team that created it, in 2010. Initial reviews were ecstatic, but … Continue reading An exclusive inside look at how artificial intelligence and machine learning work at Apple

Will the Real Data Scientists Please Stand Up?

The types of Data Scientists going around. No offence meant, all types play a crucial role in their own way.   Theorists What they Do: The word "theory" itself can mean many things to many people. Generally, in the machine learning community, theorists are computer scientists, mathematicians, and statisticians, who primarily study algorithms that are … Continue reading Will the Real Data Scientists Please Stand Up?

Why is accessing RAM always faster than accessing Hard Drive?

This is a combination from a  bunch of answers provided on   Answer 1 The easy version: HDD is relatively far away from the CPU, connected to system logic board via a somewhat slow SATA connection. SATA 6GB/s is the current standard. HDD's can only read or write but not both at the same time. … Continue reading Why is accessing RAM always faster than accessing Hard Drive?

Activity Analysis – Fitbit Data Set

Objectives This is a college assignment, and the data  can be found here - This primary objective of this project to refresh some basics as follows: 1.Basic R Concepts 2.Reading A File / Writing A File 3.File Manipulation 4.Basic Statistical Functions 5.Presentation Of Report As Literate Program Introduction It is now possible to collect a … Continue reading Activity Analysis – Fitbit Data Set

Central Limit Theorem – Experiments

What is it? From Wikipedia - the central limit theorem (CLT) states that, given certain conditions, the arithmetic mean of a sufficiently large number of iterates of independent random variables, each with a well-defined (finite) expected value and finite variance, will be approximately normally distributed, regardless of the underlying distribution. In simpler words - Be … Continue reading Central Limit Theorem – Experiments

Will a desktop and a laptop of the same specification have the same performance?

Always wondered this one. Desktop vs. laptop performance Well, to answer the letter of your question, no. Two computers with the same specifications should have the same performance regardless of how they're physically packaged. Be it a laptop or desktop. Ultimately, though, the reality of the situation is that desktops and laptops are very different … Continue reading Will a desktop and a laptop of the same specification have the same performance?

Twitter Data Exploration using R

This is a simple program for extracting data from Twitter using R. Once data is extracted many kinds of analysis can be performed. However, I'll quickly demonstrate getting the data in place with a few powerful R libraries, and doing some basic exploration thereafter. Register & Create a Twitter Application In order to get access … Continue reading Twitter Data Exploration using R

Machine Learning & Cucumber Farming

This is such a beautiful article about how a farmer's son in Japan implements a Machine Learning model for a repetitive classification task. How a Japanese cucumber farmer is using deep learning and TensorFlow "It’s not hyperbole to say that use cases for machine learning and deep learning are only limited by our imaginations. About … Continue reading Machine Learning & Cucumber Farming